Saturday, November 08, 2008

Going on Strike--I'll join it willing!

I am a fan Orson Scott Card's Science Fiction writings and read "Enders War." He is a supporter of Traditional Marriage and upholding our moral values. From Rhino Times here:
In essence, we have suffered a coup and lost our democracy. A minority is dictating new law against the will of the majority, and will spread it by force throughout the country by using the full-faith-and-credit clause.

This should terrify the proponents of gay marriage, because a process that right now seems to work for them could just as easily, and just as unfairly, be used against them. But they think only in the short term. They don't mind leaving democracy in a shambles and making the Constitution a joke, as long as they get their way on this issue.

As much as I think gay marriage is a terrible idea, grounded on neither science nor common sense, we should be even more concerned that our republic is in the process of ceasing to be in any meaningful sense a democracy.

As a parent, we have to take back the schools and resist the indoctrination of our youth to the "gay" liberal values. The whole point of the definition of marriage is not the civil rights issues, but to keep families together! God created Man. And God's plan to keep mankind going is though procreation. And it is a biological fact the only way to create a family is though One Man and One Woman. That is that. It is not a civil rights issue at all. Domestic partnerships are valid. Please keep Marriage between a Man and a Woman. Our kids want it. They want a Mom and a Dad to raise them in a family, intact. Simple as that.
Conveniently, that portion of American society that supports the written Constitution, and that denies the power of government to redefine marriage, also provides the overwhelming majority of volunteers for the American military and for law enforcement and public safety.

What if Evangelicals, Catholics, Mormons, Orthodox Jews“ and people of any religion who believe in democracy and the Constitution“ all retired from the military or police, or refused to enlist or reenlist as long as they are going to be used to enforce the "laws" made up by dictators?

What if we ceased to put any marriage announcements, obituaries or want ads in papers that run "gay marriage" announcements, or even stopped buying those papers at all? The "mainstream" media would quickly discover that they aren't so mainstream after all.

What if we all kept our children at home and refused to allow them to go to propagandizing schools?

How long could our government function if we withdrew all our support?

I know a lot of people of faith who will resist. And we will succeed. Even if we need to take back our country by force. The constitution will be upheld and our country will be saved. I have faith in our Founders.

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