Sunday, November 05, 2006

Gold Star families vist Iraq

HT from Chicago Ray here:

We here and many other grateful Americans know better than that, and my hat is off and heart always heavy for those lost who fight for us and others freedoms.

But, for those who still read and watch only MSM news reports they might and most likely think otherwise. By their slanted reporting one might think that all of those American families who have sons or daughters that paid the ultimate price for us over there hate George Bush, The United States and the Military not neccesarily in that order, like John Kerry and Cindy Sheehanand many other radical rabblerousers in this country do.

To help put an end to this misconception, A highly secretive trip made by some Gold-Star families from California to Iraq and back last week provides us with a much needed alternative and more realistic viewpoint from there that many will never see or hear until they swear off the alphabet news networks for their news of the day. Or until they read more great stories like the one below.

The Sacramento Union has the full story here:
“Shouldn’t the American people be told about the good things happening in Iraq? Isn’t it legitimate news for example to be told of the success enjoyed by the people of northern Iraq who have established democratic institutions in communities that are almost entirely free of violence?” Morgan asked.

The group includes seven Gold Star Family members including Joseph Williams (his son Marine Lance Cpl. Michael J. Williams died in combat near Nasiriyah, Iraq), John Holley (his son Army Spc. Matthew J. Holley died in combat operations in Taji, Iraq), Mike Anderson (his son Marine Corps Cpl Michael D. Anderson, Jr. was killed by small arms fire while protecting his fellow Marines from enemy action in the Anbar Province of Iraq), Todd & Debra Bastian (Debra’s son, Air Force Capt. Derek Argel, died in the crash of an Iraqi air force aircraft during a training mission in the eastern Iraqi province of Diyala), and Jan & Joseph Johnson (their son Army Spc. Justin W. Johnson was killed when his patrol vehicle hit an IED - improvised explosive device - in Sadr City, Iraq).

The Johnson’s presence on the trip comes at a time when their family’s story is being told by a new book, American Mourning, which was co-authored by Move America Forward’s Melanie Morgan. Their son, Justin, was close friends with the son of anti-war activist, Cindy Sheehan, and they say that their trip to support U.S. troops in Iraq is a more constructive act than Sheehan’s anti-Bush protests outside the President’s ranch in Crawford, Texas.

"I want to be able to tell the“ troops that there are Americans who still believe we are doing the right thing by being here. We want them to know that there are people back here who are supporting and praying for them daily,” explained Joe Johnson.

I remember when Move America Forward started yahoo group site. The liberal vitriol was really bad. I stopped posting because of the attacks from liberal hacks. They then started a second group on yahoo with limited restricted members. It is sad when you support the troops, the war and get attacked from people who don't understand what we are up against. The treat is there and it’s not going away! Hello you liberal idiots, no matter what you think about our military their mission is clear. Victory is the only way to win the war. If we cut and run the bad guys will be coming to our shores.

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