Wednesday, August 10, 2011

FSD Textbooks Unlikely to Change, Trustee Says | Fullerton Stories

FSD Textbooks Unlikely to Change, Trustee Says | Fullerton Stories

As a parent in the FSD I'm going to make sure I get signatures for Stop SB48 to get it on the June primary ballot. We got to stop this madness!

Group Pushes To ‘Let Bert And Ernie Get Married’ On Sesame Street

Group Pushes To ‘Let Bert And Ernie Get Married’ On Sesame Street

Why can't two male muppets sleep in the same room and not be married or gay? They do have their own beds. Why can't they be single roommates? Same sex room mates share dorm rooms no problem. Children do not need to be exposed to Gay Marriage. It is a perversion!

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

SB 432: Fitted Sheets Vs. Flat Sheets: The Legislature is Focused on That? :: Hotel News Resource

SB 432: Fitted Sheets Vs. Flat Sheets: The Legislature is Focused on That? :: Hotel News ResourceThis bill must be defeated!

"Tea Party" Terrorists

From WSJ here:
"Terrorist," "racist," "uncivil," "insane," the list goes on--in this context, these words have no real meaning. They are mere epithets. The Obama presidency has reduced the liberal left to an apoplectic rage. His Ivy League credentials, superior attitude, pseudointellectual mien and facile adherence to lefty ideology make him the perfect personification of the liberal elite. Thus far at least, he has been an utter failure both at winning public support and at managing the affairs of the nation.

Obama's failure is the failure of the liberal elite, and that is why their ressentiment has reached such intensity. Their ideas, such as they are, are being put to a real-world test and found severely wanting. As a result, their authority is collapsing. And if there is one thing they know deep in their bones, it is that they are entitled to that authority. They lash out, desperately and pathetically, because they have nothing to offer but fear and anger.

I'm all for the Tea Party! They are everything the Liberal Left is not!
--No Tax, Less Government and civility!

From Charles Krauthammer on The O'Reilly Factor:
“Look, what it means to me is you’ve got people with no intelligence, no originality, no imagination,” he said. “They are sputtering. They have lost. No arguments. What do they do? They want ad hominems. They want epithets. So, somebody uses it on the air — ‘Ah ha, that’s a good one. I’ll use it.’ I don’t credit them [with] the intelligence or the sort of, what it takes to put together a conspiracy.”

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