Wednesday, June 25, 2008

If Obama wins our taxes go way up!

From WSJ here:
Suppose your household consists of you and your spouse, each earning wages of $150,000 per year. Currently, you are each subject to the payroll tax up to $102,000 of wages, so together you are taxed on $204,000. Under the Obama plan, you'd be taxed again on another $50,000 of wages.

At the current payroll tax rate of 12.4% – 6.2% from wage-earners and 6.2% from their employers – your household would be looking at a tax hike of $6,200 per year. You probably didn't consider yourself rich before, and you certainly won't after paying that tax bill.

All the Bush tax cuts go away. And us the little guy get poorer. Such a shame. I hope all you voting for Obama realize you'll be poorer too. Just wanted to say that. And please don't whine if Obama wins.

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