Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Seven year olds know!

It was a funny week last week when both Michelle and Barrack got questioned by two Seven year olds. I too have a seven year old daughter. I can relate. From Rush's show last week:
MICHELLE (MY BELLE) OBAMA: What do you think?

LITTLE BOY: Well, I think that we should finish what we started in Iraq.

MICHELLE (MY BELLE) OBAMA: (pause) "Finish what we started in I-raq." Okay, I will pass that along.

RUSH: Well, did it sound like she...? Could you hear what the little boy said? It's kind of dicey. Let me -- let me reeled what the little boy said. Michelle Obama: "What do you think?" Little boy: "Well, I think that we should finish what we started in Iraq." There was a little silence from Michelle (My Belle), and she said, "'Finish what we started in I-raq.' I pass that along." Here is a seven-year-old who has more maturity than The Messiah! I'll never forget this. I went down to Shreveport, Louisiana, some years ago. I was like asked to speak at an annual fundraiser that the PGA Tour's Hal Sutton and David Toms do. They're trying to build the equivalent of a St. Jude's Children Hospital in Shreveport, and they do this golf outing every year, and David Toms got up and was giving a few remarks before I got up and gave my stellar standing-O remarks, and he was talking about a conversation he had with his son. At some point in his career some things were not going well and he was not practicing as much and so forth, and he said his son said to him, "Dad, why don't you finish what you started?" So I guess Toms is raising his kids to, "Finish what you start. Don't start it if you're not going to finish it." So here's a seven-year-old: finish what we started in Iraq. And Michelle (My Belle), you know, she's probably expecting some question about SpongeBob SquarePants, and she gets "Finish what you started in Iraq." Here, play the bite again, and now that you know the little kid's in there, gauge Michelle (My Belle)'s reaction.

MICHELLE (MY BELLE) OBAMA: What do you think?

LITTLE BOY: Well, I think that we should finish what we started in Iraq.

MICHELLE (MY BELLE) OBAMA: (pause) "Finish what we started in I-raq." Okay, I will pass that along.

RUSH: Let's go back. Wednesday, Elkhart, Indiana, campaign event, Barack Obama. A seven-year-old little girl says, "Why did you start running for president?"

OBAMA: America, uh, is -- is no longer, uh, what it -- it could be, what it once was. And I say to myself, "I don't want that future for my children."

RUSH: Our children want you to "finish what we started in Iraq"! (laughter)

I thought this was so funny! My daughter last week was looking though a book on the Presidents. She tells me "McCain's not in here yet!" My conclusion is Seven Year olds know whats going on and the adults are clueless! LOL!

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